Physician Feedback

What are Doctors telling us about our novel catheter technology?

Intensivists/ Critical Care Physicians

  • Speed to treat is the key. We would not have to wait for on-call staff to come in and treat these patients in the middle of the night.

  • We currently need to perform frequent testing on these patients. Knowing in real-time when to complete therapy would be very helpful.

Interventional Radiologists

  • Pressure Monitoring capability is interesting and could help us avoid complications related to the use of lytic drugs.

Interventional Cardiologists

  • Bilateral treatment would be an advantage. We treat both lungs every time we treat the pulmonary arteries with Catheter-Directed Thrombolysis.

Vascular Surgeons

  • Minimizing drug would be a compelling advantage.

  • There is an advantage to treating these patients quickly. It would be interesting to study the time to treat and how that impacts patient safety.